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Meet the Puppies

Make a connection with your future.


Meet Saddie

Hey there. I can't guarantee you that we already have a lot in common - but if you need a good friend, loyal walking partner - you should message me!

I want someone who will be caring, who will share the covers, and bring home lots of doggie bags.


Meet Fred

Born and raised in California but can live anywhere. I'm very family oriented, and love water sports (but then again what guy doesn't). I love to gather the kids and spend time hanging out with my peps. I'm an easy going pup and try to stay clear of any drama.

My dreams are to flourish in my new family and eventually own my own corner of the living room.


Meet Rover

First of all I am not your average puppy. There are several things that make me unique. One thing is my ears. You'll just have to scratch them for yourself to find out more.

Pretty much I love anything that keeps me active. I especially love going to the Dog Park on 1st Street. On the other hand, a night in on the couch cuddled up would be just as nice too.


Meet Snoopy

Interview time! I mean really - that's what this is all about. Its kinda like going to buy a car, getting a job etc. Check out all the options, see what catches your eye and then go from there.

I guess if you have gotten this far, my photo must have warmed your heart and now you need to meet me to see what we may have in common.

Holly Berry

Holly Berry
Meet Holly Berry

Do you like Tennis? Well I LOVE Tennis! Tennis balls to be exact. They are my favorite things in the world. You can throw all day and I will bring it back forever.

I also love long walks on the beach - especially with a tennis ball, and great conversations in-between throws. Yellow is my favorite color!! I'm a Leo.

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